Carbon AIS
Nuovo prodotto
Carbon is an internationally certified Type 1 and Type 3 AIS AtoN with the world’s lowest power consumption. Offering a full range of features, including transmission of virtual AtoN targets, simple integration with lanterns and external sensors, plus over the air configuration and chaining.
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Carbon AIS Aid to Navigation (AtoN)
Carbon is an internationally certified Type 1 and Type 3 AIS AtoN with the world’s lowest power consumption. Offering a full range of features, including transmission of virtual AtoN targets, simple integration with lanterns and external sensors, plus over the air configuration and chaining.
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* Campi richiesti
o Annulla
Carbon is an internationally certified Type 1 and Type 3 AIS AtoN with the world’s lowest power consumption. Offering a full range of features, including transmission of virtual AtoN targets, simple integration with lanterns and external sensors, plus over the air configuration and chaining.
The toughened enclosure is designed for continuous, long term use in the even the most extreme environments from the equator to the poles.
• Certified Type 1 and Type 3
• Ultra low power consumption in all operating modes
• Designed and manufactured for the toughest of environments
• Integrated GPS antenna with optional external input
• Multiple flexible sensor interfaces
• Proven operational reliability
• Full feature set
Dimensions: 284 x 188mm (H x D)
Weight: 1.2Kg
Power supply: 12 to 24VDC
Power consumption Type 1 AtoN (FATDMA): Less than 0.09Ah/day (with 3 minute position reporting rate)
Power consumption Type 3 AtoN (RATDMA): Less than 0.8 Ah/day (with 3 minute position reporting rate)
USB: for configuration
IEC61162-1 ports: Two (NMEA0183) at 38400 baud
Logic level IO lines: 5 configurable
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