The OBS-7W is an autonomous metocean buoy that collects and transmits real-time full wave and sea surface temperature data. Simple: no receiver station needed, solar-powered, a simple mooring solution, deployable by hand and transportable as check-in luggage.
The Weather Station supplies you with real-time weather data. This robust and user-friendly device combines Obscape’s Power and Telemetry Module with an industry-standard weather sensor. Built-in solar panels and the GSM connection guarantee easy installation in any environment. It can be fully integrated on FullOceans Marine buoys.
L'OBS-400 è la boa metoceanica più conveniente che raccoglie e trasmette dati in tempo reale sulla temperatura delle onde e della superficie del mare. Design ellittico superiore per il tracciamento delle onde e le misurazioni della temperatura più accurate della sua categoria.
The Wave Module is a highly accurate real-time wave measurement system that reports the full wave spectrum including wave height, direction and period parameters. The module can be installed on all our buoys.
The Time-Lapse Camera is a robust, fully wireless solution that delivers time-lapse images to your desktop in real-time. It allows you to have a look at your area of interest at any time of the day, wherever you are.
Complete solution: Tracker, Embedded software, Network Communication and Monitoring platform Connect your buoys & optimize management and maintenanceMonitor GPS position of buoys Detect mooring failures Detect possible damages from waves, collisions, theft … Alert notifications by email
Obscape’s Power & Telemetry Module (PTM) is an affordable and rugged, wireless all-in-1 datalogger. Its built-in solar panels and cellular modem will turn any 3rd party sensor of your choice into a plug-and-play real-time monitoring solution.
Obscape’s Weather Station supplies you with real-time weather data and was designed for continuous deployment in harsh climates of open water environments. The Offshore Weather Station provides real-time, site-specific, offshore weather information. Built-in solar panels and a 4G connection ( optional satellite) to guarantee consistently reliable...