Lanterna marina a LED autonoma per boe e fari minori, portata da 2 a 4+ NM con l'ultimo sistema di gestione dell'energia integrato La lanterna marina autonoma SABIK M650H è la lanterna più popolare nella gamma di lanterne autonome Carmanah Sabik. È testata secondo i più severi standard industriali e ha molte impostazioni intelligenti.
Solar Powered LED Marine Lantern up to 3 NM Range Self-contained Marine Lantern M550 leveraging custom optics, high-efficiency solar panels, and premium materials, this miniature solar LED marine lantern offers up to three times the range at half the size of its M502 predecessor. EX WORKS price, ask us transport cost
Self-contained Marine Lantern M850Solar Powered LED Marine Lantern up to 7,5 NM Range The M850 60X combines a compact, high-efficiency solar engine with premium components and a rugged design for best-in-class performance at an optimal price. This costoptimized lantern is suitable for use in most solar locations and achieves up to 387 CD (IALA...
Self-contained Lantern M860 96ESolar Powered LED Marine Lantern up to 7,8 NM Range With a durable, large-format solar engine, the Self-contained Lantern M860 96E is engineered for consistent, reliable performanc at remote installations and in challenging insolation locations.
Self-contained LED lantern for buoys and minor beacons, up to 4 NM Range The M660 is a high-performance, long life, easy-to-use and cost effective self-contained solar LED marine lantern. The M660 features a Li-ion battery pack that extends the service life of the lantern up to eight years. M660 has four different mounting options and can be programmed...
The VLB-5X-SS is a self-contained LED lantern for buoys and beacons up to 5.5 NM range. It includes the latest LED technology, new battery technology, and an advanced charging algorithm, which supports the battery to perform well in extreme weather conditions.
Questa lanterna marina compatta a LED solare a corto raggio da 1-2NM+ ha un valore eccezionale e incorpora alcune delle tecnologie più avanzate disponibili. La SL-15 è progettata per essere esente da manutenzione, si installa in pochi minuti e ha una durata di oltre 5 anni. La Sealite SL-15 è disponibile anche con un interruttore ON/OFF opzionale per...
The Sealite SL-70 is an exceptional compact marine lantern. Its dual panel design is unique in its ability to ‘track the sun’ and operate reliably in low sunlight environments such as the UK, Canada and EuropeIntensity Range of 2-3NM+ Dual high performance solar modules, angled for maximum sunlight capture Enhanced Optics GPS synchronisation as an...
Il modello SL-60 è una popolare lanterna marina solare con una portata visibile di 2-3NM. È progettata per essere esente da manutenzione, si installa in pochi minuti e ha una durata di oltre 12 anni La lanterna è adatta per applicazioni a corto raggio in diversi settori, tra cui: acquacoltura, marine, costruzioni in riva al mare e porti e porticcioli...
The MCL100 is a LED marine lantern, solar self-contained, which uses one only high-power LED, giving a nominal range up to 5 nautical miles. Ideal for short-range beaconing applications, on-and off-shore, requiring a low consumption, such as jetties, piers, buoys, fish farms, etc.
Pole, mast in aluminum with marine lantern support. Height 1 meter.
The MCL360 LED compact lantern is provide the highest energy efficiency with the most advanced technology. This lantern is the ideal equipment for on- and off-shore beaconing applications with the most energy demanding conditions thanks to the high power of its solar array and the large battery capacity.