The OBS-400 wave buoy can be associated with our special mooring line. The mooring line design comes from our calculations and previous experiences. The final mooring solution depends on the depth and the current on site. Our experts will assit your company the finalize the complete design.
The OBS-400 is the most affordable metocean buoy that collects and transmits real-time full wave and sea surface temperature data. Superior elliptical design for the most accurate wave tracking and temperature measurements in its class.
The Wave Module is a highly accurate real-time wave measurement system that reports the full wave spectrum including wave height, direction and period parameters. The module can be installed on all our buoys.
The OBS-7W is an autonomous metocean buoy that collects and transmits real-time full wave and sea surface temperature data. Simple: no receiver station needed, solar-powered, a simple mooring solution, deployable by hand and transportable as check-in luggage.